We’re excited to announce the 2024 Cycle of the NeXt Doc FleX Fund! In this round, NeXt Doc will review grant requests between $500 - $5,500 submitted by applicable NeXt Doc fellows and will fund between 8-10 projects. Please note that while all NeXt Doc fellows can apply for up to $5,000, there is no guarantee that the requested amount will be fully awarded.
For those of you new to the FleX fund, it was developed with the intention to provide mini-grant funding opportunities to support NeXt Doc Fellows and their current creative endeavors across all mediums (documentary, narrative, experimental, etc.)
These mini-grants are in no way intended to fully fund a project, but are distributed with the intention to add an infusion of funds that will have a tangible and focused impact on the overall project.
** Some examples of how funds may be used include (but are not limited to): hiring a colorist for a short film, develop a study guide to amplify the use of the film in classroom/community settings, organizing a small regional screening/panel, hiring a DP or Sound Op for designated shoot, covering traveling costs in research and development phase, etc. **
The possibilities are endless!
What will you be using this cycle of FleX Fund for?
The deadline for the 2024 Cycle of FleX Fund is Friday, September 27th, 2024. We will review applications and inform applicants of their status no later than Friday, November 1, 2024.